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These documents are presented by Vail Industries for the purposes of acquiring investor partnerships. They reflect the current round of capital raise and the corresponding valuation.  Please note that investment at the current valuation is only available until the close of this round.


If you're interested in making a life-changing investment in The VAIL Monitor review the Business Plan, Pro Forma, Executive Summary, Term Sheet, and Valuation. 


If you have questions about the investment opportunity or process please contact us via email or phone to schedule a virtual meeting. 

Business Plan

Business Plan

Stock Market Chart

Vail Industries Pro Forma 2020-2026

Executive Summary

Executive Summary


Explanation of Current Valuation

Terms Sheet

Friends and Family Round Term Sheet

The sale of Vail Industries shares in the Friends and Family round falls under federal exemption Rule 504 and CO state transaction exemption as a private offering.

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